Live-Steam is fun!

german version
These are my
nostalgic Live-Steam model-engines
gauge 1:32 fitting the well-known Märklin MAXI models.

LinkExchange member

So far I have built five different models:

Don't know how the steam engine works? Have a look here:

For more information on german, european and international live-steaming click here:
TOP-INFO on LIVE-STEAM International

Much more information on live steaming :
More TOP-INFO on LIVE-STEAMING International

Coming up soon: a coal fired BR 24!

Konrad Mücke, Postfach 1110, D-79857 Schluchsee/Germany, FAX 0049 7656 9246
I am interested in live steaming and send an e-mail now: Live-Steam is fun

Live-Steam macht Spaß

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